Found 206 news for "Cepiva proti covidu so uradno najbolj smrtonosni strup v zgodovini in o tem nihče ne sme govoriti" ...
EU-SEARCH | Cepiva proti covidu so uradno najbolj smrtonosni strup v zgodovini in o tem nihče ne sme govoriti ...
Diana West warns: Covid vaccines are biological weapons
(27.09.2022) | 377 views |
... | Similar

Cardiologists came to the same conclusion regarding the side effects of the "vaccine" against Covid
(22.11.2022) | 210 views |
... | Similar

Shocking FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Moms About Safety of MRNA-Vaccines
(13.09.2023) | 134 views |
Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Dr. James Thorp. Dr. Thorp reveals FOIA results: $11 million to bribe OB-GYNs to lie to pregnant moms about often-abortifacient MRNA injections. ... | Similar

"So Israel became, if you will, the the lab for Pfizer" - Benjamin Netanyahu
(14.11.2023) | 132 views |
Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that Israel went first with the vaccines and became 'the lab for pfizer'. ... | Similar

Dutch government data was hacked and a staggering amount of data was collected on the side effects of the Covid vaccine
(18.04.2024) | 239 views |
Injuries from COVID vaccinations: a staggering amount of data has been collected and millions of records are now visible. ... | Similar

Matt Barnes Openly Criticizes Covid Vaccines Says, "We Humans Were Just Guinea Pigs"
(25.04.2024) | 232 views |
Former NBA champion Matt Barnes has denounced the COVID vaccine orders and pointed out that they were put on the population without proper long-term safety testing. ... | Similar

Peter McCullough calls on the global public to warn others about vaccines against COVID - Scary testimonies
(28.04.2024) | 308 views |
The world's most famous cardiologist calls on the global public to warn others about vaccines against COVID - Scary testimonies ... | Similar

Bill Gates admits that Covid vaccines contain nanotechnology
(08.05.2024) | 274 views |
If you recall, when the Covid vaccines were first released to the public, the vaccine cartridges were intentionally left blank. ... | Similar

Judy Mikovits warned the public that mRNA injections against Covid cause HIV
(14.05.2024) | 257 views |
"Injection is infection" "Every single Injection has SV40 in it" - Dr. Judy Mikovits ... | Similar

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