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EU-SEARCH | Na stotine YouTuberjev, ki so med pandemijo promovirali cepiva proti covidu, ima zdaj turbo raka ...
Trump will rehire military who were kicked out for not taking the jab, with backpay and an apology.
(23.08.2024) | 123 views |
This is a win! ... | Similar

Diana West warns: Covid vaccines are biological weapons
(27.09.2022) | 377 views |
... | Similar

Cardiologists came to the same conclusion regarding the side effects of the "vaccine" against Covid
(22.11.2022) | 210 views |
... | Similar

Shocking FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Moms About Safety of MRNA-Vaccines
(13.09.2023) | 134 views |
Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Dr. James Thorp. Dr. Thorp reveals FOIA results: $11 million to bribe OB-GYNs to lie to pregnant moms about often-abortifacient MRNA injections. ... | Similar

FAUCI has now admitted that the vaccines against COVID can cause MYOCARDIRIS (VIDEO)
(16.09.2023) | 251 views |
During an interview on ABC's "This Week," Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 can cause myocarditis. ... | Similar

"So Israel became, if you will, the the lab for Pfizer" - Benjamin Netanyahu
(14.11.2023) | 132 views |
Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that Israel went first with the vaccines and became 'the lab for pfizer'. ... | Similar

Peer-reviewed study: Cancer deaths rise after Covid vaccination
(17.04.2024) | 153 views |
On Saturday, Dr. John Campbell posted a video discussing a peer-reviewed Japanese study published April 8 in Cureus titled "Increased age-adjusted cancer mortality after third dose of mRNA-lipid ... | Similar

Dutch government data was hacked and a staggering amount of data was collected on the side effects of the Covid vaccine
(18.04.2024) | 239 views |
Injuries from COVID vaccinations: a staggering amount of data has been collected and millions of records are now visible. ... | Similar

Matt Barnes Openly Criticizes Covid Vaccines Says, "We Humans Were Just Guinea Pigs"
(25.04.2024) | 232 views |
Former NBA champion Matt Barnes has denounced the COVID vaccine orders and pointed out that they were put on the population without proper long-term safety testing. ... | Similar

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