VIDEO (10370)

Pronađeno 7 videozapisa za "Transit of exoplanet and exomoon" ...
EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ...
Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ... | 1005 views | (04.10.2018) | Podobno ...
This animation demonstrates how the measured light curve from the star Kepler-1625b led to the conclusion that the syste

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ...
Lucette Bourdin & Phillip Wilkerson - Sojourners in Transit ... | 329 views | (20.11.2013) | Podobno ...
Lucette Bourdin & Phillip Wilkerson - Sojourners in Transit

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ...
Zooming in on the HD 131399 triple-star system ... | 749 views | (09.07.2016) | Podobno ...
This sequence takes the viewer deep into the constellation of Centaurus in the southern skies. We settle on the unremark

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ...
NASA: Transit graph ... | 1231 views | (16.12.2017) | Podobno ...
Kepler measures the brightness of stars. The data will look like an EKG showing the heart beat. Whenever a planet passes

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ...
Animation of exomoon orbiting its planet ... | 777 views | (04.10.2018) | Podobno ...
This animation shows how the exomoon candidate Kepler-1625b-i orbits its planet. Kepler-1625b-i is the first exomoon can

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ...
Exploring the surface of a super-Earth orbiting Barnard’s Star (Artist’s impression) ... | 1103 views | (15.11.2018) | Podobno ...
The nearest single star to the Sun hosts an exoplanet at least 3.2 times as massive as Earth — a so-called super-Earth

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Transit of exoplanet and exomoon ...
TESS First Planet Locations ... | 641 views | (10.01.2019) | Podobno ...
Zoom into the first sky sector observed by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and learn more about th


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