VIDEO (10370)

Pronađeno 69 videozapisa za "Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares" ...
EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ... | 737 views | (27.08.2017) | Podobno ...
This video starts from a wide field view of the Milky Way, including the prominent constellation of Scorpius (The Scopio

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
3D animation of Antares ... | 875 views | (27.08.2017) | Podobno ...
This is an artist's impression showing the surface and atmosphere of the supergiant star Antares, located in the co

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
Zooming in on Betelgeuse ... | 966 views | (19.02.2020) | Podobno ...
This video takes the viewer from the constellation of Orion to the surface of the supergiant star Betelgeuse, which is u

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
Zooming in on the HD 131399 triple-star system ... | 749 views | (09.07.2016) | Podobno ...
This sequence takes the viewer deep into the constellation of Centaurus in the southern skies. We settle on the unremark

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
Approaching Antares (artist's impression) ... | 1143 views | (27.08.2017) | Podobno ...
This 3D simulation shows a travel from Earth to the red supergiant Antares, in the constellation of Scorpius. More info

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
Midnight Star - No Parking On The Dance Floor 1983 ... | 666 views | (21.03.2009) | Podobno ...
Midnight Star - No Parking On The Dance Floor 1983

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
Midnight Star - Don't Rock The Boat 1988 ... | 667 views | (21.03.2009) | Podobno ...
Midnight Star - Don't Rock The Boat 1988

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
Dva tisoč let star analogni računalnik ... | 743 views | (17.10.2013) | Podobno ...
Ste menili, da naši predhodniki niso bili razviti? Za takratne razmere so bili še kako dobro razviti, kar dokazuje odk

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star (1979) ... | 707 views | (03.05.2009) | Podobno ...
The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star (1979)

EU-SEARCH VIDEO | Zooming in on the red supergiant star Antares ...
CLAUDIO MINGARDI - Star (1984) ... | 542 views | (22.06.2009) | Podobno ...

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